joshua tree at capitol contemporary gallery

I will be showing my work alongside Heather Martindale and Kerry Moosman at Capitol Contemporary Gallery for the month of March. If you're local, please stop by the reception on Thursday and have a glass of wine with me! The opening is on First Thursday, March 7th from 5 to 9 pm. ARTIST STATEMENT There is a place where the Colorado Desert meets the Mojave Desert with a diverse ecosystem that includes numerous species of cacti and wildlife that have adapted to withstand the harsh desert environment. This body of work is a homage to Joshua Tree National Park, home to the 1.7-billion-year-old granite rock formations dappled in sunlight and the peculiar, twisted Joshua Trees that reach towards the sky. I am captivated by the cholla cactuses, yucca, creosote, and native grasses that also contribute to the park's beauty. The desert has always held an allure and mystique for me, perhaps it's the uncertainty and unknowingness of what lies within. This body of work focuses on simplicity in color and form as I explore shape, space, and scale, using mixed media techniques and stitching. Despite their ability to withstand arid desert conditions, Joshua Trees face several threats today including land development and more frequent periods of prolonged drought. Climate change and fire are also pushing the species toward extinction. Fortunately, the Joshua Tree is the first plant given protections under the California Endangered Species Act because of the effects of climate change (Center for Biological Diversity). This plant species and this place with its unique rocks, remarkable diversity, and primitive wilderness are worth celebrating and protecting. I invite you to experience Joshua Tree National Park through my eyes, as I aim to capture its essence and bring awareness to this sacred place.
