artist residency in TorC, new mexico
In October, I traveled to the town of Truth or Consequences (TorC), New Mexico for an artist residency where I made paper and art for two weeks, unhindered by the distractions of daily life. Set along the Rio Grande River near the Gila Wilderness, this residency offered space dedicated to making paper out of local plant fibers, specifically invasive plants (Tamarisk and Giant Cane) and to continue my pursuit as a papermaker. I am so much closer to my goal, which is to become proficient in papermaking and to incorporate foraged plant fibers into my collage work-- creating art that is literally of and about the environment!
Documenting the papermaking process using Tamarisk, an invasive plant species introduced to the Rio Grande for erosion control.

From left to right, the finished paper-- Giant Cane flowers, seeds, and stems mixed with Abaca, 100% Giant Cane seed pods and stems, Tamarisk mixed with Abaca, 100% Tamarisk, 100% fresh Giant Cane leaves, and finally fresh Giant Cane leaves mixed with Abaca.

Desert Sketches 1-6, Black canson paper on watercolor paper on panel with poured resin, 3" x 3" each