joshua tree at capitol contemporary gallery
I will be showing my work alongside Heather Martindale and Kerry Moosman at Capitol Contemporary Gallery for the month of March. If...

I am pleased to have my piece Dissonance 4 from the Grand Canyon series as part of the show #COLLAGENOW with Denise Bibro Fine Art....

river mile 98 collage on the cover of boise weekly
Lorelle Rau, River Mile 98 (Grand Canyon Series), Latex paint, bristol paper, handmade Tamarisk paper, inkjet prints, and cotton thread...

intangible at capitol contemporary gallery
I am pleased to announce a new exhibition titled, Intangible, by Jon Morse and myself. Jon will present large abstract paintings and...

grand canyon 2022
Last spring, I spent three weeks living in the backcountry with a group of fifteen friends, winding through one of the most beautiful and...

coiled wines mural
Recently, I partnered with Garden City Placemaking Fund, Conservation Voters of Idaho, and Surel’s Place to paint a mural on the Coiled...

artist residency in TorC, new mexico
In October, I traveled to the town of Truth or Consequences (TorC), New Mexico for an artist residency where I made paper and art for two...

cyanotypes and handmade paper at penland school of craft
Two years ago I began learning the art of papermaking which has expanded my control over the paper I use in my collages. I had the honor...

boise boys 'outgrown' on HGTV
Last year, my artwork was staged in one of the homes designed by Timber and Love of the Boise Boys. You can see my work on their newest...

boise weekly cover
I'm excited to share my newest cover art for the Boise Weekly. This artwork is titled Distant Regret, and it is 22" x 28". It is...